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PayPal is an online funds transaction platform used to transfer money through international borders without any hassle. Users can link their bank account and credit cards with PayPal account for smooth transactions. It is mostly used by businesses to transfer the money directly to others account. It is a safe and secure way to manage business transactions. It has millions of users around the world. If you are no longer using a linked credit card or bank account, you should evict it from PayPal so you will not be able to make an accidental transaction with it. The process to remove this is a bit technical that’s why PayPal Customer Care is going to provide the procedure to remove a card from PayPal account. The procedure of this issue is discussed below:

Open the web browser and sign in to your account from PayPal website. You can use any website of your choice.

Once opened, click on the Profile button from the top-right corner of screen. This icon looks like a gear. A drop-down menu will be displayed. 

Click on the My Money button from the displayed menu. A web page will be displayed which contains information related to your added money sources.

Click on the Update button from Debit and Credit Cards section. A list of added cards will be displayed.

Select the desired card which you want to remove from this account and click on the Remove button. 

A confirmation pop-up window will show up which ask you to confirm the recent command. Click on the Remove button to remove the selected card. 

If you have changed your mind to not remove the cards right now, click on the Cancel button to keep the card on your account. You will be redirected to the list of available cards.

If your card has a negative PayPal balance or pending transaction, you will not be able to remove it until the charges are clear. You must bring your balance to $0 so that card can be deleted. 

In Case of Unknown Issues? Contact the Experts

No one knows when they are going to encounter unknown or unexpected issue. To keep from these kinds of issues, contact the experts at PayPal Customer Support Service Phone Number +1-855-601-0005. It is essential to remove the details of cards so that no unexpected transaction will occur. If you are having some kind of issue, we can help you to get rid of this. Our experts are proficient to fix simple as well as complex issues within a second. 

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